State News

Young Pennsylvania Voters Are Trump-Curious, Polls Show

In the U.S. presidential election featuring the two oldest candidates in U.S. history, the role of voters born seven to eight decades after the two major-party nominees is critical. Former President Donald Trump has polled surprisingly well among young voters, a demographic thought to favor Democratic incumbent President Joe Biden.

A May 2024 New York Times/Siena poll of Pennsylvania voters found Trump and Biden effectively among 18–29-year-old voters, with Trump ahead of Biden 35% to 33% and 16% backing independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Biden’s weakness among young Pennsylvanians is similar to his national poll numbers. Trump’s relative strength with young voters led Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial page editor Brandon McGinley to brand young voters “the Trump generation.” 

A recent NPR poll of young voters found Trump and Biden statistically tied among young voters, with Biden leading 33% to 31%. Trump actually performs better among voters aged 18-26 than voters aged 27-40. An April Harvard Youth Poll found a similar result, with Biden leading Trump 45% to 37% among 18–29-year-olds.

As pollster Patrick Murray told 90.5 WESA when asked about those doubting Trump’s strong performance among young voters in polls: “There’s no question that Biden is softer than a typical Democrat has been in the past 10 or 15 years. That isn’t a prediction for Election Day: It’s a statement of where he needs to do some work.” 

Some young people may see Trump as an outsider who challenges the political establishment, which they perceive as corrupt or ineffective. Along those lines, fond memories of Trump’s economic policies, such as tax cuts and deregulation, may be helping him appeal to young people who prioritize job creation and economic growth as they enter the job market.

Additionally, young people may admire Trump’s assertive and unapologetic leadership style, viewing him as a strong leader who gets things done. His attacks on the mainstream media as biased or fake news may resonate with young people who distrust traditional sources of information.